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This little Miss will determine the winner while celebrating her special day on 12.14.10. |
A friend gave me this idea a while back. Ready, Internet? This is it:
At random, a name will be picked on December 14th by my baby girl Taimane (who will be celebrating her 4th birthday), and they will win (cue drum roll)...a FREE PHOTO SHOOT that can be redeemed ANYTIME and ANYWHERE before September 30th, 2011.
We're talking ANY kind of shoot:
- Senior Portraits
- Children's Session
- Newborn Session
- Family Photos
- Headshots
- Boudoir Session
- Engagement Photos
- Maternity Session
- Bridal Session
- and here's the big one...6 Hours of WEDDING DAY COVERAGE!*
Here's how this GIVEAWAY works:
1. Follow me on Twitter, or let's be Facebook friends :).
2. If you decide on Twitter, copy and paste this as a Twitter update:
@TiarePhoto is doing a GIVEAWAY for a FREE PHOTO SHOOT!! Check out the details on the blog to ENTER: http://bit.ly/eS3HQY
And if it's on Facebook, copy and paste this as your status:
Tiare Photography is giving away a FREE PHOTO SHOOT - ANY shoot, that can be done ANYWHERE and ANYTIME before 9/30/11 - check out the blog for details and to ENTER: www.tiarephotoblog.com.
3. Leave me a comment on this blog post - it can be anything, but to qualify, you MUST include:
~ Your Name (especially if you post as Anonymous)
~ Your Email Address (so we can nail down the details of your fabulous, FREE shoot if you win!)
~ The type of shoot you want
Simple, right? And since it's the holidays, feel free to GIFT it if you win! Electronic and/or a printed gift certificate can be available to the winner too, if they'd like to give away their winnings :).
The contest will close at 6:00 PM Pacific time on December 14, 2010, so be sure to enter before then!
- I must be available on your date.
- As mentioned, your shoot can be ANYWHERE - I travel often throughout the year, and may be planning to be in your area, so we can coordinate schedules (shoot me an email to find out)! However, if you're outside of the greater Seattle/Tacoma area and choose a FREE LIFESTYLE PHOTOGRAPHY SHOOT at a place or time I don't currently have plans for, all travel fees must be paid in advance. BUT, if you can find 5 other people in your area to book photo shoots at regular price around the time of your shoot, travel fees will be waived! :)
* If you choose (the best deal yet) 6 HOURS FREE WEDDING COVERAGE, email me your wedding date, venue and a photo of you and your fiance(e) for the winner announcement blog post.
* If you're outside of the greater Seattle and Tacoma areas, and you choose the WEDDING COVERAGE for your prize shoot, all travel expenses must be paid for by the bride & groom. Email me for more information.
* Additional wedding coverage can be purchased - flexible collections available; shoot me an email for more info!
And that's it. Ready, set...ENTER! ;) GOOD LUCK!
Hi Pua! I'm absolutely estatic about your free giveaway idea and I couldn't resist posting! Lol! I definitely want to try and win this and so here's my info below:
Charonne Alaiasa
Email: calaiasa@gmail.com
I love your photos Pua and I think that you were truly blessed with a great gift or talent! Take care Pua!!!
Hi Sweetie! Wanted to enter if I could maybe, hopefully win a free photo shoot for our Pastor and the 1st Family. Their family portraits are outdated, as their girls are all grown now and they have an addition to their family...another daughter, Kendyl! I love viewing your photos and am truly in awe of your photography! Here is my information below:
Irene Gansit Solia
Love You to Life, Pua!
Aunty Irene
Hi Pua!!
I love love love your work!! I am stoked to be given a chance to win this giveaway!! Your photos are simply not just pictures, but protraits of pure innocence, love, and happiness... And I would love for you to capture those precious moments on film of my little family here in Colorado!!
Happy Holidays to you and your family!
Stephanie Tuiafono
As the person usually behind the camera how nice would it be to be the subject - beyond words darling!
Great photos Pua, always.
Sign me up! I'm wanting a redo on my family photo shoot but was going to wait until Spring/Summer but since it's free, WHY NOT!! Besides, we're now in the Tacoma/Ft.Lewis area. Hope to win the great prize..Pick ME :)
Lydia Umi
oi eh, ia se'i koe enter atu le teine...
janice pan
can we tell u wat kinda session if we win? in case we might gift it.
thanx. God bless.
Pick us I would love a family shoot!
Ula Inouye
Family Shoot
I follow you on twitter & posted
I am your friend on FB already duh..lol AND of course I posted it there as well :) Woohoo!
Hi Pua!
I'm thrilled that you are doing so well in your business. We would love to win a family photo shoot!
Fancy Frenchwood
Family shoot
I've posted on twitter and facebook!
Good luck everyone...
OH YEAH!!! I WANT THE BOUDOUIR SHOOT! LOL - jus kidding gosh. But I do wanna support TIARE PHOTO with a big WIN. YAYA!!!
Name: Gerald "Gerd" Ramsey
E-mail: ramseygt@gmail.com
#: 808 896-8744
Theresa Fanene
Family shoot .. I need to get one done soon .. crossing my fingers your little girl
I follow you on twitter, blog & FB ... Happy Holidays!!!
Pua, your eyes behind the lens are spectacular. You take beautiful photos and I admire that.
Sign me up for your free holiday give away.
Name: Emma Schuster
UW Senior/Graduation Portrait
Email: schusne@uw.edu
Have a Merry Christmas!
Lynn Colbeth
Yay! I want..
aubrey Taiese
Family session
Crossing my fingers!
stephanie Finau
CONGRATULATIONS! you have made such huge strides this year and can i say i am proud to have followed you for at least a few months now? please keep this up and keep following your dreams!
Pick Me! Pick Me! Are you going to be in this area any time this year? Well, I hope many people from Tutuila enter your contest, because if any of us win, you'll be here and we can fill up your stay with appointments for photo shoots!! That would make us all winners!! Take care!
Wow! Lovely work! Fingers crossed for a family photo shoot.
Faga Misa
Pua! You have got some talent, and the giveaway is a fabulous idea, you keep it fresh and you always surprise me with new shots. I love how the girls are so involved :) Keep up the great work. Alofa tele atu from THE FED lol.
Tamara Ledoux
Family Photos
Hey Pua :)
Lalalaloove the pictures!!!
Fonotele Snow
Family shoot.
Hi Aunty Pua,
Love Kellen Esera :)
hi pua!
Janice Faitala
Come on hawaii People Pua needs hawaii! LOL
I love your photos! they're fabulous. I hope I win! and if i do, it would be nice for a family shot.
Thanks for sharing.
I love your work...and if I win, that would be awesome because then I will be able to spend time with you.
Namele Fauatea
Oooh count me in=)
Puna: puna15@yahoo.com
You have some great photos! Here to enter: Name: Alina Brewer Email: Nahele55@hotmail.com Type of Shoot: Family, one husband and two boys and a girl. We live in Salt Lake City. Thanks and good luck with your business!!
Ok well you already know how BLESSED you are without photography, however having the eye and TALENT you have WITH photography just adds to your list of many things that you ROCK at... I'm amazed at all your photos and I just love to see the new ones of the kids when you put them up from time to time. Love love love it!
Go on with your bad self and if I don't win this Photo Shoot, whomever does will have a lifetime of "AMAZING PHOTOS" to always look at...
BUT.......... If I do, I will be needing a WEDDING shoot 11/11/11!!!
Love you girl!
-Uce Deuce... (**winks**)
Hi Pua!
You know I'm one of your biggest fans so....PICK ME, PICK ME!! =) LOL Love all of your pics....talk about TALENT!! Must run in the family! =)
Love you and talk to you soon!
You have all this info already, but since you gave specific instructions....here it is:
Angie Haleck-Roberts
Email: ahaleck@msn.com
Photo Shoot: Family =)
Hi Pua,
I love your photo's and absolutely love your blog. You are an amazing photographer. I would love to do a shoot with you when you come home to Samoa. Below are my details.
Name: Carmill Pu'efua
Email address: cpuefua@bluesky.as
Type of shoot: family portraits.
Hi hi cuz:) Got your email and will get back to you soon w/ details :) It's a definite though! I can't wait!
Ele Malae
Email: candymalae@gmail.com
Photo Shoot: Wedding
Hi Pua - Just updated my status on FB. You take amazing photos!!! :)
- Marie
Hi Pua! Mataio and I would love to win your photography session give-a-away. He is getting ready to leave for Korea this March and then off to Aviano, Italy the following year. We would love to take some portraits before we start our new military journey. Here is my info:
Isabelle IULI
Love your photos! ~Isa
Can you just pick me already please!! yay!
Myrna Matina
Good luck to me me me me!!!
Oh.. I'd love a boudoir session.. but since that's out of the question.. how 'bout a family one pleeeeeeeeeeeease!! Thanks Pua!!
Why didn't I see this sooner?! Congrats on such a great achievement babes. You're such an inspiration! I hope I win if not to just bask in some of your awesomeness lol It's Nive, babygirl_isis@yahoo.com, & a family shoot for sure lol Take care! Lotsa love from the 808. God's blessings! =)
Hey Pua! Wonderful photography, awesome blogs, you've accomplished what you set out to do when you started. Great idea for your giveaway. Who wouldn't want to win? But really, I hope I win! LOL.
Good Luck to all! Mabel
July 9 2011 in Hawaii. Sounds good already, right?
Hi Pua!! If you don't mind, I'd like to enter as well. Love ya & Congratulations:)!
I'm posting on my FB stat right now..hehe!!
Photography is amazing. Even if I don't win I'd still like to schedule with you.
-Khrystina Clark
-Family Photos
Alright...let's see how this goes! I'm thinking of giving it as a gift. Hugs and kisses for the kids.
Ging Te'o
alright....thought i'd enter at least once before your contest ended....
cheryl trujillo
and since im finally on the computer, ill be posting it on fb too for you....love ya!
Gosh your work is AMAZING Pua!!! If I use it for myself, I'd like to book a shoot for my son. If you're unavailable to come out here to Utah, I'd like to gift it to my mom up there in Washington so they can take family photos. (and maybe we'll come up instead!) kisses for the kiddies!! alofas to you all!!
Renisha Afalava
All your pictures are amazing =)
Monica Afalava
Family Photos
This is an awesome idea!!
Shannon Fobian
Family Photos
this is amazing - I'd love a family shoot
Hello Pua!
As many times as I've come across fantastic photos on FB that read TIAREPHOTO.COM I had to check it out for myself. To my surprise you are local. Love it! Tried sending a friend request on FB and I got a reply: Sorry, this user already has too many friend requests. Awww no luck this time. I'll be sure to add the giveaway blog on my FB post tonight. Maybe I'll get some luck on a photo shoot and then be able to share with family and friends my fantastic photos from TIARE PHOTOGRAPHY. Good luck on your business.
Christina Gaoteote Moi
photo shoot: family
Your pictures are wonderful!
Shannon Fobian
family photos
Hey Pua,
I thought that I'd give this a try. hehehe.... But yes, I love your work and appreciate all of the help that you have provided. But if I do win, I was thinking of an engagement photoshoot. Thanks for all of your help again....
Mark Malepeai
engagement photoshoot
I would love to have some family photos.
Kent Fobian
Family Photos
Thank you
Lisa Fobian
family photos
Patrick Fobian
family photos
Thank you! This is a great opportunity!!
Family Photos Please! I hope I win cause you're an awesome photographer :)
Erica Magalei
okay this is like the 5th time i tried ..lol .. not sure if the first time went thru :)
Mua Lutu
Family / Wedding :)
ofa atu , mlu2
love your work! ! !
David Sagiao
Wedding Pics (For my brother)
Hey Pua! I've got my fingers crossed...we want some family shots!
Samantha Benefield
my name is Niccie Faimalo and email is nicnabe@yahoo.com..
Wow great work, some of the best photography I have seen.
Lisa Fobian
family photos
how exciting! i would love it if we won.
family shoot.
hey cousin- what an awesome idea. You have been blessed with such an amazing talent and it's nice to see you sharing that talent with the rest of the world. I hope I win! If not, do you offer aiga discount? Lol Love ya!
Jacinta Clemon
family photos
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