Heidi and I go WAAAAY back. Back like hopscotch & jumprope, peanut-butter-and-jelly, pigtails-sporting days (but fast forward 20 years, and we're sporting anti-wrinkle cream). We officially met in Kindergarten, but became classmates and friends in Ms. Dolan's first grade class, and the rest is (literally) history. She's one of my oldest friends, and we've seen each other through all of the embarassing kid-to-preteen-to-teen moments. So naturally, there's no filter when we get together and we goof off like we're 10 again, and childhood memories come flooding back.
This shoot was a TON of fun, and Heidi is beautiful, inside and out! I had such a hard time deciding which pictures to post because there were so many FABULOUS ones to choose from.
Thanks Haiki, for a great time!! Love you to pieces!

1 comment:
Love the lighting in all of these... I actually use these pictures a lot for bios and stuff that I need for work and such. Love that you're finally showing off your talent, Pooie!
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